This is the OH&S Policy Statement of The Falkland Islands Company Ltd
As Managing Director of the Falkland Islands Company Ltd, I consider that the health and safety of The Falkland Islands Company’s employees is of paramount importance to the Company achieving consistent high standards in all its activities. It is therefore the policy of the Falkland Islands Company Ltd to develop a health and safety awareness culture throughout the Company which is committed to taking all reasonable precautions for the prevention of injuries and ill health to our employees, sub-contractors and others who may be affected by our work activities, to maintain a healthy environment and to prevent any damage or loss to property, plant, equipment and the environment. Our aim is to achieve an incident and injury free workplace.
Every employee has a responsibility to co-operate with the Company to enable all statutory duties and obligations are complied with. The successful implementation of this policy requires total commitment from all employees, from the boardroom to the newest employee. Everyone has an obligation to take reasonable care for their own health and safety and the safety of others who may be affected by his or her acts or omissions, and this includes The Falkland Islands Company’s contractors.
Adequate facilities, resources and arrangements will be maintained for employee consultation at all levels on health and safety issues, to encourage active participation and feedback.
The Falkland Islands Company will always be committed to adopt relevant industry best practice and ensure that all aspects of the business take adequate account of health and safety requirements.
Standards will be set that are considered appropriate to meet our obligations and negate any significant risks. In order to achieve this aim, training, instruction, formal procedures and monitoring systems will be provided. The Health and Safety organisation together with individual responsibilities and arrangements are also set out in the Company Health and Safety Manual which implements the commitments in this policy.
This policy will be regularly monitored to ensure that these aims are achieved. It will be reviewed and, if necessary, revised in the light of legislative or organisational changes and learning. It will be communicated to all employees and those associated with our business in accordance with our programme of continual improvement.
The Company is committed to the success of this policy.